Keyflower Keymelequin


When the ship Keymelquin reaches the harbor, she brings two new Keyples - Sven and Paulo. Sven is an intermediator between yellow and blue Keyples, he arrives at the end of Spring. Paulo has the same function for green and red and arrives at the end of Summer. Both can be placed as normal Keyples in any of the colors, but with Sven, Blue keyples can represent yellow ones and vice versa. The same goes for Paulo and red and green Keyples.


Supplement for Keyflower for 2-6 players, ages 14+


Publisher: R&D / HUCH! & friends 2016

Designer: Richard Breese, Sebastian Bleasdale

Artist: Juliet Breese, Richard Breese




Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no