

There are difficult terms in  Es gibt schwierige Begriffe in red and easy terms in yellow; players decide which one to use and how many of them. One player is first guesser, the others get a board and a pen; the guesser looks away and the others turn up a card and draw the chosen term with the runtime of the timer. Then the guesser gets all boards, well-shuffled, and has three guesses. If he guesses correctly he earns a chip. Then he awards two chips to the drawing he likes best and finally allocates all drawings to players; for each correct allocation he earns a chip, for each wrong one the real drawer gets the chip. At the end you score five points for big chips and one for small ones and win with most points.


Kreativ- und Kommunikationsspiel * 3-8 Spieler ab 12 Jahren * Autor: Jacques Zeimet * ca. 30 min * 87579, Huch & friends, Deutschland, 2007 *** Huch & Friends *