Clans and Glory


Scottish highlanders meet at the assembly location to join a clan; assembly boards, equipped with randomly drawn cards, both according to player numbers, are laid out, and you are dealt 7 to 9 cards, relating to player numbers. In a turn, you place a card from hand on a free slot at one of the boards, equal in rank or color to one of the adjacent or opposite cards. If you cannot do that, you place a card face-down at a slot of your choice. In both cases you can then place one of your five shields on the assembly board where you placed your card, on top of others already there. If the person who was dealt one card less than all others has placed their last card, the game ends and face-down cards are removed from the boards. Then the boards are resolved: Shield stacks are turned upside down and, from top to bottom, the owner of a shield receives all cards of the current lowest rank on the board. All add the values of cards received and you win with the highest total.


Placement game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Huch! 2024

Designer: Gabriele Bubola, Leo Colovini

Editing: Joseph Weidl

Art: Michael Menzel, Sabine Kondirolli

Web: www.hutter-trade-com

Stock #: 883551


Users: For families and with friends


Version: de en fr * Rules: cz de en fr ja nl ru sk * In-game text: no