Avant Carde


You present your collection of avantgarde art and upgrade it with additional exhibits. Good exhibitions are rewarded. You draw 7 cards from your deck; in a round all play cards simultaneously in Phae 1, beginning with one card and playing further cards of either the same color or the same value than the previously played card. Each card you play represents 1$ in Phase 2. Cards not played in Phase 1 are also placed on your discard pile. In Phase 2, you buy, in turn, cards from the gallery stacks for your discard pile, maximum for the total sum acquired in Phase 1 You can use patron abilities or – once per round – remove the top card from a gallery stack to the bottom. If. in Phase 1, you achieved 6$, you receive rewards in relation to the sum. You can only keep 1$ for the next round! When all rewards are taken, you win with most at the end of the round.


Deckbuilding game for 1-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Huch! 2024

License: Resonym (c) 2024

Designer: Mary Flanagan, Max Seidmann

Editing: Joseph Weidl

Art: Ishita Banerjee, Sabine Kondirolli

Web: www.hutter-trade-com

Stock #: 883742


Users: For families

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en fr pt  * In-game text: no