Alice im Wunderland
You embody a character from Lewis Carrolls Alice im Wunderland, travel through wonderland, and collect cookies. You have a tall and a small version of a character – Hatter, Rabbit, Queen of Hearts or Alice – and a set of 11 cards. You draw three cards in hand wthout changing their order, play the left or right card from your hand and move as many steps. On special slots you resolve their action – on a Caterpillar slot your character can change size, Cookie and Hatters Tea Party slots give you big or small cookies, Cheshire Cat allows you a second turn and in the Rabbit Hole you must play a card to determine how often you can turn the clock hand for the number of steps you may take out of the hole. At the end of your turn, you draw a card and put it between the two you have in hand. When all 11 cards are played, you win with most cookies.
Movement and collecting game for 2-4 players, ages 6+
Publisher: Huch! 2024
License: Granna © 2023
Designer: Martino Chiacchiera, Remo Conzadori
Editing: Silvia Herzog
Art: Maciej Szymanowicz
Web: www.hutter-trade-com
Stock #: 883575
Users: For children
Version: de * Rules: de en fr pl uk * In-game text: no