Building pyramids in the Mayan tradition. The ten rounds of a game comprise the phases of taking blocks and building the pyramid. Market tiles are provided with blocks; all select a face-down card corresponding to the desired market. If all selected different markets, they take the blocks of their chosen market. If several players selected the same market, the blocks go to the player with the lowest number tile, followed by swapping of number tiles by players in the tie(s). Received blocks must be placed into the pyramid immediately, touching at least one block already in it, and, from round 2, also at least one block of the same color. Blocks that cannot be used are discarded. After 10 rounds you score the biggest group of each color in your pyramid and win with most points.
Building game for 2-4 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Helvetiq 2024
Distribution: Hutter Trade
Designer: Baptiste Vaiana
Art: Julien Bigot
Web: www.hutter-trade-com
Stock #: 953351
Users: For families
Version: de en es fr it nl * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no