Doodles on misty windows come alive and might move out of the frame; you lay out a window of 12 cards. You begin with six cards in the construction phase, select one card and hand the others to your neighbor; all cards are revealed simultaneously and placed into a grid of 34 or 5x3 cards, a new card must be placed adjacent to one in the grid. When all six cards are placed, you are dealt six more cards for another construction phase. When the grid is complete. All play the activation phase and select a card to begin the activation. Arrow cards are moved in direction of the arrow, cards thereby covered are not activated; if a card goes out of the grid, it is removed. When all arrow cards have been moved, the monster – if not covered – eats the flower and then the grid is score for flower, smiley cards and other cards, slots with more than one card in them are emptied and worth 0.
Card placing and shunting game for 2-4 players, ages 6
Publisher: Helvetiq 2019
Designer: Florian Fay
Art: Felix Kindelán
Web: www. www.helvetiq.com
Stock #: 953 1852
Users: For children and families
Version: de en es fr it nl * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no