You dive in wrecked ships and take gold coins to the safe in your boat. In a round divers and barracuda are moved and encounters resolved. In the phase Move Diver, all select and reveal a card; for a movement card the diver goes to the corresponding wreck and the cards go into the players’ displays; for barracuda cards the diver is tilted; then movement and direction dice are rolled in relation to the number of barracuda cards played. In the encounter phase, the wreck cards are resolved in relation to the locations of divers and barracuda; they relate to coins, barracuda and movement cards. If you are first to have eight coins in your safe, you win.
Card game for 2-5 players, ages 7+
Publisher: Helvetiq 2022
Designer: Isaac Pante
Art: Ajša Zdravković
Web: www.
Stock #: 953 297
Users: For families
Version: de en fr it * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no