

A game that is once again set into a somewhat different version of Switzerland. The individual regions fight for independence. You use 64 dice for units without any iota of luck and move them in the direction of the Magical Portal. Encounters with other armies can cost you strength points. At the Magical Portal strength points of dice are turned into victory points und the unit leaves the board. One round comprises Deployment and Movement; for movement you have three actions per round; advancing of a unit costs one or two actions, depending on the terrain. When two units are next to each other, they fight.


Conflict simulation for 2-4 players, ages 13+


Publisher: Helvetia Games 2014

Designer: Steve Brück

Artist: Olivier Debons Lorenzo Mastroianni & Ismaël

Web: www.helvetia-games.ch

Stock#: 021952


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no