Warhammer Chaos in the Old World

The Horned Rat Expansion


In the Old World of Warhammer players represent four Ruinous Powers and fight for dominance. These powers are rewarded with victory points when devastating and domination regions. All phases of the game are card-driven, 50 victory points at the end of round are the victory conditions. Or the gods excessively use their special means of threat which are administrated via the dials. If you reach the notch “victory” on those, you win, too. When none of the powers has achieved victory when the stack of cards is exhausted, the Old World has saved itself!

This expansion introduces a 5th Ruinous Power in the guise of the Horned Rat and a deck of cards at expert level offering a diversity of events as well as versions for experienced players, Realm of Chaos and Morrslieb Chaos Card Decks.


Expansion for Warhammer Chaos in der Alten Welt for 2-5 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2012

Designer: Eric W.Lang, Jay Little, James Hata

Web: www.hds-fantasy.de

Stock#: 011656


Users: For experts


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes