The FrostmarCH
Talisman: The Frostmarch is the 3rd expansion for the 4th edition of Talisman. Each player guides a character in possession of a basic equipment of talent, luck and gold, this can vary during the game. These characteristics and the event cards plus reactions of the character influence the game.
The Frostmarch expands the basic game with new character-, adventure and spell cards, plus new warlock cards and three sheets for an alternate ending of the game. It must be mentioned here that the monsters, items and persons appearing in the cards have been crafted very lovingly and painstakingly to fit the icy topic. The new characters in this expansion have different levels of power; Leprechaun is able to teleport when he rolls a Six, the Warlock is incredibly powerful and can complete Warlock tasks to acquire items. A new spell enables players to toadify, that is, turn other players or themselves into toads. The three alternate endings offered for the game are all interesting to play, the most attractive one is “Warlock Quest”, each player draws four Warlock tasks at the start of the game. If you reach the Inner circle and have completed all tasks you win immediately.
The rules also offer variants for starting task for a quicker game or the treasure vault award version for use with the Dungeon expansion and the swap task version for a flexible assigning of warlock tasks.
All in all The Frostmarch is another well-made and well-working expansion for the classic fantasy adventure game, a must-have for all fans of talisman and an attractive extension of ways to play and ways to enjoy the game!
Spieler : 2-6
Alter : ab 13 Jahren
Dauer : ca. 90 min
Autor : John Goodenough
Grafik : Wil Springer
Preis : ca. 20 Euro
Verlag : Heidelberger 2011
Genre : Fantasy-Abenteuerspiel
Zielgruppe : Mit Freunden
Version : de
Rules : de en fr it pl
In-game use of language : yes
Schöne Erweiterung mit vielen Neuerungen
Nur mit dem Grundspiel verwendbar
Beliebig mit anderen Ausgaben kombinierbar
Alle anderen Ausgaben von Talisman, andere Fantasy-Abenteuerspiele von Heroquest bis Dungeon Twister
Andere Ausgaben:
Talisman: The Frostmarch, Fantasy Flight
Zufall 3
Taktik 1
Interaktion 1