Star Wars Imperial Assault Das Imperium greift an!
The Empire attacks! One player controls the forces of the Empire, all others work as a team and each one leads a hero of the Rebels. You travel across the galaxy and deal with high-risk missions which always include tactical ground combat between Rebels and Empire. Missions are enacted on modular boards, you can play campaigns or with two players as a melee. Each round of a mission comprises the phases of Activation - with two actions for one of the rebels and activating of all miniatures on a deployment card for the Empire - and Status with clean-up steps.
Latest expansions are „Riskantes Spiel auf Bespin“ und „Im Schatten der Zwillingssonnen“.
Conflict simulation for 2-5 players, ages 12+
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games / Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2015
Designer: Justin Kemppainen, Corey Konieczka, Jonathan Ying
Artist: Michael Ivan, Michael Silsby, Henning Ludvigsen, Team FFG, Fiona Carey, Marco Reinartz
Stock#: 16014R
Users: For experts
Special: 2 players
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it pl * In-game text: yes