Planet Steam


Planet Steam yields resources that are mined with variable factory units, called tank. Phases of a round are: Expansion with placing of bonus resources, auction for specialists, place ownership markers and use dirigible - Tank phase with Tank, converter and compressor acquisition as well as buying enhancements for freighters - Resources phase with mining and sales - Final phase with refilling tank. You win with most money from resources, zones, tanks, compressors and luxury accommodations and credit markers.

Co-production of Heidelberger Spieleverlag and LudoArt Verlag


SciFi development game * 2-5 players, ages 12+ * Designer: Heinz-Georg Thiemann * Grafik: Czarné * ca. 180 Minuten * 00022, Heidelberger, 2008 *** Heidelberger Spieleverlag * * © 2008 LudoArt Verlag