

Conflict Virus vs Antibody. The board shows four types of cells; groups of adjacent cells of the same type are tissue. You alternate to set a piece into a free cell, adjacent to the one previously placed by your opponent, or, if that is not possible, into any cell. Then you immediately score for each of your pieces adjacent to the one just placed. When a Gen marker is in a cell, you take it for immediate or later use; it modifies standard rules, e.g. for double points or removal an opposing piece before the final scoring, etc. When all pieces are placed, you score majorities in tissues and win with most points. Additional rules are included.


Abstract placement game for 2 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2016

Designer: Martino Chiacchiera

Artist: Ruslan Audia

Web: www.heidelbaer.de

Stock#: 16HE284


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en it * In-game text: no