

Huge robot ships extract resources from far-away planets, controlled by two corporations in an unstable equilibrium - that is, until Metallum is discovered. Who will generate a better network for mining this stuff that can make interstellar travel feasible for living beings? A round comprises programming behind your screen, actions with implementation of the subroutines, use of planetary installations and use of module cards, and, finally scoring robots on planets. If you have most money after three rounds, you win.

Extractor Attack allows you to remove as many opposing extractors from your planet as you yourself have on this planet; in this scoring you do not score your extractors, your opponent scores normally.


Placement and collecting game for 2 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2014

Designer: Wojtek Krupnik, Wojtek Wojcik

Artist: Tomasz Maronski, Fiona Carey, Marko Reinartz


Stock#: 14HE723


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en pl * In-game text: yes