Game of Thrones Der eiserne Thron

Eroberung und Widerstand Fleisch gewordenes Feuer


A Game of Thrones tells an epic story about a rough country with a dark legacy. You head one of six noble houses in Westeros: Baratheon, Lannister, Stark, Targaryen, Greyjoy or Martell and start with 7 cards. A round comprises plot, draw, meeting, challenges, dominance, status, and taxes. You win with 15 power points.

Eroberung und Widerstand / Conquest and Defiance is the 11th cycle of chapter packs, Fleisch gewordenes Feuer / Fire Made Flesh is the 3rd chapter pack featuring cards 41-60 in the cycle.

 Keyword “Priced / Kostbar”. New Prices versions of Heartsbane, Ice and Blackfyre, three neutral characters, an event and a plot card to suppert neutral Faction House cards and decks for multiple Houses.


Supplement for Game of Thrones for 2-4 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2014

Designer: Eric M. Lang, Christian T. Petersen, Nate French

Art: Andrew Navaro and Team

Web: -

Stock #: 02055 9 / HEI0339 - 2016FEB14


Users: With friends

Special: players


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it * in-game text: yes