Descent Die Reise ins Dunkel Schrecken des Blutmeers


The heroes sail along the coast of Torue Albes and explore exotic and unknown islands. There they discover forgotten treasures and are confronted by the ships of the Overlord. The heroes need to be skilled in using canons, in boarding enemy sips  and navigation to avoid the sabre-toothed sharks in the waters. But not only do the heroes gain strength and experience, the Overlord does so as well.

Three quests offer use of the new features of this expansion, among them gold and silver power dice as well as storage boxes for the respective hero equipment. Sea of Blood is a substantial and generous expansion of the fantasy adventure, the rules nearly reach book format. Experience in that kind of game and a preference for extensive amounts of components are an advantage for having a wonderful game in the Descent universe, using the Campaign rules.


Expansion for the fantasy board game * 2-5 players, ages 13 and up * Autor: Kevin Wilson, Sally Karkula * Art: Andrew Navarro, Brian Schomburg, Wil Springer, Jasper Ejsing * 01120 5, Heidelberger, Germany, 2010 *** Heidelberger Spieleverlag *