Played for you
Der Herr der Ringe Das Kartenspiel
Sarumans Verrat
In the cooperative Living Card Game players, in a fellowship of heroes, master dangerous adventures in Middle Earth. The Core Set features 226 cards in four starter decks, which can be used immediately for an introductory game. This is amended by scenarios and 84 Encounter cards which you can master. The cards used are hero cards, player cards, encounter cards and adventure cards. If at least one player survives until the last part of the adventure deck has been dealt with, the players win together.
Sarumans Verrat/ The Treason of Saruman is a Saga expansion and introduces 165 new cards with new cards for Campaign, Favor and Burden for use in the expansion’s three scenarios, continuing „Die Schwarzen Reiter“. Then there is Aragorn, a hero from the Fellow sphere; if you use him no other version of Aragon can be in play as a starting hero or in the decks. In the campaign mode you cannot use any card „Frodo Beutlin“ and in the scenarios you cannot use allies or hero cards „Saruman“ or „Grima“. The key word „permanent“ appears on some Favor and Burden cards , those are assigned to one hero, the assignment is noted in the log. When such a hero leaves the game, the assigned cards go with him.
The three scenarios „Uruk-hai“, „Helms Klamm“ with the new key word Defense and „Der Weg nach Isengart“ with „Zauberei“ a a trigger for timing for Spells and Machines used by Saruman to defend Isengart.
This expansion comes with the usual flair and integrates seamlessly into the story thread, it continues to tell the story and expands the game very felicitously.
Players: 1-2
Age: 13+
Time: 90+
Designer: Caleb Grace, Nate French
Artist: Mercedes Opheim, Brian Schomburg, Fiona Carey, Marco Reinartz
Price: ca. 23 Euro
Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2015
Genre: Living card game
Users: For experts
Special: 1 player
Special: 2 players
Version: de
Rules: de en es fr it pl
In-game text:
Painstakingly designed reference to book and films
Drawings for illustrations
Special rules in relation to the campaign mode
Compares to:
Other saga and deluxe expansions for Der Herr der Ringe
Other editions:
Fantasy Flight Games, Edge Entertainment, Galakta, Giochi Uniti
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 3
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 3
Interaction (brown): 2
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0