Der Herr der Ringe Das Kartenspiel

Die Stimme Isengarts


In the cooperative Living Card Game, based on trading card mechanisms, players in a fellowship of heroes master dangerous adventures in Middle Earth. The Core Set fr 2 players comprises 226 cards in four starter decks for introductory games. There are Hero cards, player cards, Encounter cards and Adventure cards.

Die Stimme Isengarts is a deluxe expansion featuring 156 new cards with new rules and key words: Immune agains player card effects - Time X is a new keyword for the urgency of hero tasks - is not cumulative with - Cursed X, the threat level rises by X. Two scenarios: Die Furten des Isen, difficulty level 5, and Einen Ork zu fangen, difficulty level 4.


Expansion for the LCG for 1-2 players, ages 13+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag

Designer: Nate French

Art: Lucas Graciano, Team



Stock #: 02041 2


Users: With friends

Special: 1 or 2 player


Version: de * Rules: de en and others * In-game text: yes