Das Ältere Zeichen Grauen aus dem Eis
As investigators we must once again fight the Ancient One, we race against time, because each night at midnight the Ancient Ones stirs and his awakening approaches. During their course of their adventures investigators acquire rewards; with an Elder sign they can banish the Ancient One. A turn comprises movement, adventure or waiting at the entrance and advancing the clock. Adventures are mastered by rolling the necessary symbols, and you must always adhere to or use manifold interdependencies.
The expansion introduces a new way to play, Expedition nach Alaska, featuring new mythos cards and new adventure cards and also new mechanics and features- effects on entering, a new decay symbol storm, 15 new symbols for sanctions and rewards, monsters with a midnight symbols - and three new Ancient Ones - Rhan-Tegoth, RLim-Shaikorth and Ithaqua.
Expansion for Das Ältere Zeichen for 1-8 players, ages 13+
Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2016
Designer: Samuel Bailey, Richard Launius, Kevin Wilson
Art: Brian Schomburg, Monica Helland, Toni Foti und Team, Marco Reinartz, Annika Brüning
Web: www.asmodee.de
Stock#: 15241N
Users: For experts
Special: 1 player
Special: Many players
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr pl * In-game text: yes