Crimebox Investigation
Murder has been done, somewhere in the US, crime scene and clues have been secured, the culprit must be identified. You can either solve the case or embody members of the justice system, that is, you can either play the investigation mode or the murder trial mode. For investigation you play cards that reveal more and more details. In the trial one player is the public prosecutor and must name a suspect and the method and motive of the crime. Other players are defending counsels and must prove the accused innocent.
Crime game in two game modes for 2-8 players, ages 14+
Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2013
Designer: Cymon Kraft
Art: Cédric Lefebvre
Stock#: HE535JUL13
Users: With friends
Special: Many players
Version: de * Rules: de fr * In-game text: yes