Android: Netrunner Spin Zyklus
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Android Netrunner is a conflict of Runners versus Corporation. Both have their own deck of cards and goals. The Corporation can spend three Clicks per turn for actions; to install server protection or to trace the runner. The Runner can spend four Clicks; for instance for a Run – a hacker attack on Corporation with different targets.
Spin is the second expansion ciycle for Android Netrunner; Farbe bekennen / True Colors is the fourth Data Pack for Android: Netrunner, featuring cards 61-180; You need to control information flow in three realities - physical world, virtual world and public perception.
Data Pack for Android Netrunner for 2 players, ages 14+
Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2014
Designer: Richard Garfield, Lukas Litzsinger, Corey Konieczka
Art: Team
Web: -
Stock#: 02026 9
Users: For experts
Special: 2 players
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr pl * In-game text: yes