Android: Netrunner
Kontrolle und Schöpfung
A Living Card Game, set in the Android universe – Runner versus Corporation. Both have their own deck of cards and goals. The Corporation can spend three Clicks per turn for actions; to install server protection or to trace the runner. The Runner can spend four Clicks; for instance for a Run – a hacker attack on Corporation with different targets; when he manages to get into a server he might find something valuable or just destroy the Corporation project. If you collect seven points, you win.
The expansion focuses on the Haas Bioroid Corporation, pioneers in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics and Robotics on one hand and on the Shapers on the Runner side on the other hand. The expansions contains 1165 cards, as usual made up from three copies each of 55 new cards, there are 66 cards for Haas-Bioroid, 15 neutral corporation cards, 72 Shaper cards and 12 new runner cards. Those cards can be used for two pre-constructed decks, one for Haas Bioroid, using identities of Next Design, Custom Biotics or Vertebral Imaging, and one for the Shapers, using identities of Rielle "Kit" Peddler, Exile or Professor. The decks can be played against each other or against decks from the core game, but you always need the core game to play.
Creation and Control is an expansion that really and clearly expands the possibilities for new strategies and high-risk battles for both factions; as usual the only question is: Do I need it? And each fan of Android: Netrunner will answer this with a clear yes and look forward to the next deluxe expansion Honor and Profit, which is already announced.
Players: 2
Age: 14+
Time: 45+
Designer: Richard Garfield, Lukas Litzsinger
Artist: Team
Price: ca. 20 Euro
Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2013
Genre: Living Card Game
Users: For experts
Special: 2 players
Version: de
Rules: de en es fr pl
In-game text: yes
deluxe expansion with 3 x 55 new cards
Needs core game for playing
Features cards for two pre-constructed decks
Compares to:
Android Netrunner for topic, and other LCGs for mechanisms
Other editions:
Fantasy Flight Games, Edge Entertainment, Galakta
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 3
Strategy (blue): 2
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 2
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0