Tails on Fire
Iguana stole the fire, opossum has stolen it back with its tial – based on a Mexican legend, you hunt for the most valuable fire card. You hold 12 opossum cards of a color and play a random one at the start for your pile, all those cards must be of different values. At the start of a round you select 3 of your cards – the starting player plays a card of the same value as the top Iguana = fire card all others in turn play a card of a value higher by one than the previous card or pass; from value 9 you begin by value 1. If it is your turn again and your card is on top of the discard pile, you win the top fire card and put it down with the winning opossum card on top. If someone else has such a sack with the same opossum card value on top, you steal that stack. When all fire cards are taken, you win with most flame symbols on them.
Series: Radiant Culture Games
Version: de * Regeln: de en es fr pl uk vie * Text im Spiel: nein
Card game for 2-6 players, ages 10+
Publisher: Heidelbär Games 2022
Designer: Thomas Sellner
Development: Roland Goslar
Editing: Sabine Machaczek
Art: Marya Guadalupe Ornelas Ramos, Marina Fahrenbach
Web: www.heidelbaer.de
Stock #: HG013
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de en fr uk vie * In-game text: no