Sweet & Spicy
A family and kids friendly version of Spicy. Instead of Wasabi there is now Lemon, and also the new card type Super-Joker, you have one of those in hand. The game itself is the same – cats rival for dominance using spices. From a mix of number cards and wild cards for three spice types you get five. The first player names and plays a card and draws one. The next player raises the value in the same color or passes and draws a card. If you challenge, you touch the card and name exactly what you think is wrong, number or type of spice, e.g. “not 9”. To say “wrong” is not enough. The winner takes all cards from the middle, the loser draws two cards. If you play the last card and say so, you get a trophy card, you win with two of them. When game-end appears, collected cards score 1 point each, cards in hand 1 penalty point each.
Bluff with cards for 2-6 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Heidelbär Games 2022
Designer: Zoltán Györi
Development: Gémklub Studio (Zoltan Aczél, Péter Medgyxesi, Miklós Tuska, Dániel I. Vágó)
Editing: Sabine Machaczek
Art: Yoon Sung, Marina Fahrenbach
Web: www.heidelbaer.de
Stock #: HG011
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de en es hu ko uk vie zh * In-game text: no