

Alter                    6

Spezial                 2


Twister Hoopla

The Take-along Party


In this version of Twister for indoors and outdoors the mat is replaced – as in Twister Hops – by colored rings, which are used differently depending on the version, for each version there is an individual ring on the spinners to indicate colors and body parts.

Voll verklebt: Aim of the game is not to drop the rings. In a turn the team turns the spinner and must - if the arrow indicates yellow + knee – take a ring between knees and keep it there without using hands. In each turn a ring is added to a part of your body. If you cede or drop a ring you lose.

Schleudergang: Rings must be caught with hands and feet, the first team to catch four rings wins. One team member throws the ring, another catches with the body part indicated by the spinner. The first team to catch the ring keeps it.

Einzel/Partnerrennen: You want to be the first to win three races. You grab the indicated ring, clamp it between the indicated body parts and “race” to the finish. If you win you keep the ring, if you lose you drop out of the game. In the partner race the ring is clamped between partners.

Verknotungssalat: You want to be the last in play. In your turn you must place the indicated body part on a free ring chosen by the game master.

Die Klammer: All players have one ring each on every hand and foot and a T-Part on their head. Then you grab the ring of the designated color with the indicated hand and keep it there till the next move. If you let go earlier or lose the T-Part you lose.

Twister Hoopla is a fun game and an excellent training for dexterity, balance and kinesthesia.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 6 and up

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : not cited

Grafik          : not cited

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 20 Euro

Verlag          : Hasbro 2011



Genre                    : Movement game

Zielgruppe             : For children


Sprache        : de

Regeln         : de

Text im Spiel : very little



5 game variants

Equally good for indoors and outdoors

Needs room to play

Good training for movement and balance



Other editions of Twister


Zufall                            3







Interaktion                   3

Geschicklichkeit  3

Action                  3