Trivial Pursuit1980er


Every year there are new ideas for a new Trivial Pursuit game, and this year they have gone back to the 80ies and have also changed the mechanism a little: Among the cards are 45 motive cards and now one can also steal knowledge wedges from an opponent. Some cards have symbols and when they appear, the symbol die is used and the active player has the chance to steal a wedge.


Trivia / Quiz game * 2 or more players from age 25 * Authors: Andrea Dee, Gottfried Distl * ca. 60 min * ca. 45 € * 02096, Hasbro, 2001 *Game family: Trivial Pursuit *** Hasbro Österreich GmbH * Davidgasse 92-94 * A-1100 Wien * Fon +43-1-6038438 * Fax +43-1-6038444 *