Tabu 6. Edition

Saucer without Dish, Ufo, flying or holder


For years now Taboo has been used as an the umbrella term for all games in which you describe items without mentioning so called taboo words; this is the 6th edition of the game with yet another 1000 new terms. This new edition comes, as some of the earlier ones, without a board, and brings a completely new feature, the Taboo Die.

You play in two teams; one player of a team describes a term, the other members of his team must guess. The opposing team checks the adherence to the rules.

The explaining player of the active team draws a card and tries to describe the term without using it, part of it or one of the taboo words. Even parts of the word and grammatically varied versions are forbidden, as are sounds, gestures, hints on rhymes or similar-sounding words, abbreviations, etc. But you are allowed to sing or use brand and product names or names in general. If you cannot cope with a term you can set aside the card.

Each player at the start of his turn rolls the taboo die for a special rule: Only one player guesses, or both teams guess or you have double the time or you must not move at all while explaining or you play standard Taboo. The main feature is speed: The explainer tries to get across as many terms as possible within the given time - each term that is correctly guessed yields a point. Rules violations and cards that are set aside earn points for the opposing team.

In this 6th edition Taboo again and still is a fantastic game, the terms are current and up to date, ripping does no longer mean tearing apart, but stealing of data; you must think fast and a big vocabulary is a lot of help.


Players: 4+

Age: 16+

Time: var

Designer: not named

Art: not named

Price: ca. 38 Euro

Publisher: Hasbro/Parker 2012


Genre: Definition game

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de en

In-game text: yes



With taboo die for a special rule per round

Edition without a board

Standard Taboo rules apply


Compares to:

Previous Taboo editions, Tabu XXL. etc..


Other editions:

Taboo, Hasbro USA


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 3

Knowledge (yellow): 2

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0