Schnapp’n Happen


Titbits on a crown! An elaborate crown with holders for forks is assembled - adult assistance might be necessary - and titbits are readied. As active player, you put the crown on your head, puts titbits on the forks and align the titbits  on the forks so that they are level with your mouth. Then you press the button - briefly for a short game, longer for a long game. The crown rotates, and you hear a song, while you try - within the runtime of the song - to eat all titbits off the forks with your mouth. You must not use your hands! When all have played once, you win with most eaten titbits!


Action game for 2 or more players, ages 8+


Publisher: Hasbro International 2018


Stock #: 0318E2420100


Users: For families

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: no