PoPo der Affe
Chasin' CHeeky
Elefun & Friends, the cute and funny animals living in a fantasy jungle well-known from several other games - a blue elephant, a green crocodile, an orange frog, have found a new friend: In this game we meet PoPo, the purple monkey. An adult is needed to assemble PoPo at the start, he is given his tail and a banana is placed in his mouth. Each player chooses a set of rings, the green ones or the orange ones, and distributes his three rings in his color all over the room. One player picks up PoPo, switches him on and puts him down on the floor. PoPo works best on a very smooth floor. PoPo now moves around the room rather quickly. Both players sprint away at the same time, pick up one of their rings, catch up with PoPo and try to slide the ring over PoPo's tail. When a player succeeds in placing his ring, he sprints away again to fetch the next ring, slides it over Popo's tail again, and then repeats this for the last ring. Whoever is first to manage to place all rings of his color over PoPo's tail, is the winner of the game, snatches the banana from PoPo and begins to dance the PoPoShake with PoPo, because as soon as the banana is removed, PoPo begins to dance and shakes his bottom and his tail.
On the US website of Hasbro PoPo the Monkey is listed under the heading of Learnimals, which makes sense, because the cute little bottom-shaking monkey provides very good practice of hand-eye-coordination, dexterity and assessing of relative speed for the targeted each group when trying to get the ring over the tail of the moving monkey. A smooth floor and enough room provide pure fun in playing and in moving.
Players: 2
Age: 3+
Time: 10+
Designer: not named
Artist: not named
Price: ca. 20 Euro
Publisher: Hasbro 2013
Genre: Movement, dexterity
Users: For children
Special: 2 players
Version: de
Rules: de en
In-game text: no
Stable unit
Provides movement and training of motor skills
Uses batteries
Needs some room and a flat floor
Compares to:
All movement games training hand-eye-coordination
Other editions:
Chasin' Cheeky, Hasbro USA
Chance (pink): 0
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 0
Dexterity (green): 3
Action (dark green): 3