

Alter                    5



Littlest Pet Shop

Tierisch abgeräumt


The little pet animals with their out-proportioned big heads have been given room in the affections of nearly all the children and they are of course just the thing to be featured as playing pieces or characters in board games.

In this card game they are the characters for a game of Happy Families.

The game features 13 x 4 cards depicting different pets, the cards are shuffled face-down and 5 cards each are dealt to each player. The rest of the cards is laid out face down, this is called the fish pond. All players check their hand cards and discards groups of 4 cards showing the same pet onto the table in front of themselves. Then players in turn ask other players for missing cards. If you hold or more of the cards you have been asked for, you must give them to the player asking. If he can complete a set with your cards, he discards it and goes on playing. If you give him a card and he cannot complete a set, his turn ends. If you have none of the cards you are asked for, you tell the active player to “go fishing”. He can now draw one card from the fish pond. If the card fits to the set he was asking for and completes it, he discards the set and goes on playing. If another set can be completed with the card drawn, it is discarded, but the turn ends, as it does when the card drawn does not complete a set. Play goes on until all sets of 4 have been completed and discarded. If you then have most of the sets you win.

This is a classical children’s game featuring well-known rules and more cards than in a standard Happy Family game. The mechanism is still and always fun, here enhanced by the Littlest Pets images.


Spieler         : 2-6

Alter            : ages 5+

Dauer           : ca. 15 min


Autor           : not cited

Grafik          : not cited

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 6 Euro

Verlag          : Hasbro 2011



Genre                    : Card game

Zielgruppe             : For children


Version                           : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : no





More cards than in a standard Happy Family game

Well-known rules

Simple mechanism

Interesting due to the Littlest Pet images



All Happy Family Games


Zufall                  3





Gedächtnis          2


Interaktion          3

