Hilfe, Hai!
Don’T get caught by the Shark!
Sharks are –as we all know – among the oldest species floating around in Earth’s waters; the variant in this game box does not originate from eons gone by, but when calculated in game years he is ancient, too – the greedy terror of the seas has been floating on game tables for the first time in 1988. At that point it was called Shark Attack! and published under the MB label.
The mechanism of the game has stayed the same. The shark swims the waters in circles and pursues the fishes who try to out-swim the shark.
The shark is assembled and placed in the middle of the board. Up to four players can join the race; each chooses a fish and places it on the spot on the board marked in this color. The shark is put back behind the dotted line. One player is chosen to roll the dice, he is responsible for rolling both dice, calling out the colors and moving his own fish.
Now the shark is switched on and starts moving. The dice manager rolls both dice and calls out the resulting colors. When both dice show the same color he calls the color name twice. The owner of a fish in a color mentioned is moved one step ahead, if the color was named twice, it moves two steps away from the shark!
In the meantime the shark gets nearer and nearer to the fishes. When his mouth covers a fish completely, the fish has been eaten and its owner is out of the game. The last player with a fish in play wins the game.
Hilfe, Hai! is a funny, absolutely unswayable chase, most beloved by children and somehow really fun to play! The most important thing is fish being caught, regardless of who they belong to!
Players: 2-4
Age: 5+
Time: 5+
Designer: not named
Artist: not named
Price: ca. 20 Euros
Publisher: Hasbro 2011
Genre: Dice game
Users: For children
Version: de
Rules: de en
In-game text: no
Pure chance game
Attractive components
Children love the fish-are-eaten mechanism and the moving shark
Compares to:
Hai-Attacke and other dice game with a mechanical game unit
Other editions:
English edition at Hasbro USA
Chance (pink): 3
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 0
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 1