GmbH & Co. KG


All cards are distributed evenly, the last card is turned up in the middle, then cards are taken up. One tries to gather majorities of all companies if which one holds shares, each player can trade with each player, there is no fixed sequence of play. When a trade is fixed the cards are exchanged, one can trade any time with the card on the table. The company whose card is in the middle at the end goes bankrupt. After trade the hand is scored, cards of the bankrupt company score minus, cards not belonging to a majority pack score 0. If one holds all shares of a company each card scores +2, for holding the majority +1. The player ending trade because he holds all shares scores +5, is he scores for all cards in his hand, and -5, when he holds cards which score 0.


Card game * Brand: Parker * 2-5 players from age 8 * Designer: Reiner Knizia * ca. 20 min * 52128, Hasbro, Germany, 2006 *** Hasbro International Inc. *