FarmVille Das tierische Wettfuttern


In this variant of Hippo Flipp it’s not hippos that gobble as fast as they can, but four farm animals - horse, cow, sheep and pig . With one lever, you send your marbles into the central area, with the other lever you try to make your animal gobble up as many marbles as you can manage.

ieser Abwandlung von Hippo Flipp fressen nicht Nilpferde um die Wette, sondern vier Bauernhoftiere Meant to accompany the online game of the same name by Zynga.


Action and dexterity game for 2-4 players, ages4+


Publisher: Hasbro 2013


Stock #: 1012A2053100 00


Users: For children


Version: multi * Rules: de fr it * In-game text: no