

For each player a pair of task cards is laid out, players receive 8 treasure cards and 4 treasure cards are laid out next to the task cards, each player has starting money. In the first round the leader token is auctioned for one hidden bid. Then the treasure/task card groups are auctioned, the leader bids, when he knows the other bids. When all cards are auctioned, 12 tricks are played, the leader starts. One must play the same symbol or play another card. The player with the highest value in the symbol played first takes the trick. Who can then fulfil a task, scores the value of the task in coins. The first player to score coins of a total value of 200 wins.


Card game * Brand: Parker * 2-5 players from age 8 * ca. 20 min * 52124, Hasbro, Germany, 2006 *** Hasbro International Inc. *