

12 polystyrene bags contain letters for one word each; every letter shows an image corresponding to the word. You want to reconstruct as many words as possible, using the same letter motifs. You are dealt one bag, all words are assembled and shown to all players, then letters are shuffled face-down and dealt to players, who then reveal them. In turn you roll the die: 1 - take a letter from any player. 2 - take 2 letters from you right neighbor. 3 - take 3 letters from your left neighbor. 4 - swap maximum four letters with a player of your choice. 5 -receive one letter from each player. 6 - Pass your turn. If someone is out of letters, all other players form words and score them.


Word forming game for 2-6 players, no age given


Publisher: Happy Day 2013

Designer: Marianne de Cooman

Art: not named

Stock #: 3X771D2


Users: For families


Version: fr * Rules: fr * In-game text: yes