The evil witch Esmeralda is throwing Magic Stones and if you have to take most of them you are under her spell. At the start of the game players decide together on an action for a “spell” which must be executed by whoever loses the game - sing a song, stand a round of drinks, do some gymnastics or call everybody by a special name or …

Each player is dealt four cards and you play in rounds in clockwise direction. At the start of your turn you check if you have Magic Stones in front of you. If not your turn ends and passes to the next player. Good for you!

Should you have Magic Stones, you turn up the top card from your stack and implement the instructions on it. Should you have no cards available, the stones are yours for the time being and the turn passes to the next player. When all players must pass in a row, the game ands and all players add the values of their stone. Should you have the highest score you are the loser of the game.

In the advanced game players can look at their cards and choose one to implement in their turn. The rules recommend one game of the basic version and one game using the advanced rules and determining the loser with the highest total from both games-

The cards determine if you receive stones or cards or if you have to hand them over; the Magic Book markings on the cards tell you who will give you stones and to whom you will give cards.

With this funny, completely chance-driven game the Korean publisher provides a nice party games for family or larger groups; ideal in any case for children birthday parties and similar events and also interesting as a representative for games from Korea.


Players: 3-10

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Dave Choi

Art: not named

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Publisher: Happy Baobab 2012


Genre: Party game

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: en kr

In-game text: no



Nice example for games from Korea

Simple rules

Basic game solely chance-driven

Some tactic possible in the advanced game


Compares to:

All chance-driven allocation games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0