Stone Age Die Mammutherde


16 Bonus tiles are stacked resource side up. In each round, the mammoth is placed on the case of the resource depicted on the top bonus tile and then the tile is turned up. In the action phase you can, for 1 food per person, put persons from the mammoth case next to the bonus tile. Before the food phase, all players roll dice equal to the number of persons at the bonus tile; the highest single result selects 1. Or “all” bonus and takes the tile; in case of a tie, all get the “all” bonus and nobody the tile. Before the civilization scoring, you score the mammoth bonuses. Can be combined any way with core game and other expansions.


Supplement for Stone Age for 2-4 players, ages 10+,


Publisher: Hans im Glück Verlag 2017

Designer: not named

Artist: not named


Stock#: 0 742832 65373 2


Users: With friends


Version: multi* Rules: de en * In-game text: no