Stone Age Casino


Players act in a Stone Age setting, cut down wood, get stones from a quarry and wash gold in the river; they barter goods, expand their village and acquire new levels of civilization. Each round comprises introducing persons to the board, use the persons for actions and feed the persons. Different locations can hold different amounts of persons.

The expansion features two casinos - they are shuffled into the huts. You acquire them with the resources depicted and score points according to the total value of the dice rolled as indicated on the casino tiles. You may not use tools.

Part of Stadt Land Spielt!, limited special print for Tag des Gesellschaftsspiels STADT-LAND-SPIELT on 8.9.2013


Expansion for Stone Age for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Hans im Glück 2013

Designer: Bernd Brunnhofer

Art: Michael Menzel


Stock#: -


Users: With friends


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