Players are the leaders of a group
of 8 adventurers with different strength. These adventures take on the
dragons on their caves to get treasures, but on the three-part-port they can
also visit the bazaar to meet to trade treasures or get magic spells from
Aladdin. At the palace one can haggle for the precious artefacts, which decide
on win or lose with their special characteristics and which every player needs.
The adventurers are redistributed on the board each round, already at this
point decisions are made, because often only the strongest will achieve
something, unless Allah smiles on the youngsters.
Boardgame *
3-5 from age 10 * Author: Richard Breese * ca. 60 min * ca. 30,7 € * Hans im
Glück, 2000 * Based: Keydom, R&D Games * Hans im
Glück Verlags-GmbH * Birnauerstraße 15
D-80809 München * Fon:
+49-89-3005419 * Fax:
+49-89-302336 * *