


Emerpor, alchemist, blackmailer & Cie.


An adaptation of Ohne Furcht und Adel - the basic rule is the same: You secretly choose a character for the round; then you are called up in sequence, reveal your character, take gold or a building, use your ability and build a building for gold. Changes come from cards - there are now 27 characters, of which you use eight or nine for a game; there are 90 buildings, of which you use 68, and you can play action cards, acquired from the building stack. At the end of the round in which someone built his 7th building, you score for gold and silver on buildings, for unique buildings and for a complete set of building types.

All changes, compared to Ohne Furcht und Adel, come from cards. Instead of using a fixed set of characters you can compile an individual set for each game, including one card of numbers 1 to 8/9. The rules have suggestions for selections with “topics”, for instance Crooked Dignitaries, Nasty Nobles or Sleek Agents. The calling of characters is not done by the king, but the owner of the Crown piece, in ascending order of character numbers. Besides the 54 basis buildings, there are now 36 unique buildings, from which you select 14 building for a game, with individual building costs. A new feature in the game are 15 Action cards, which are shuffled into the building stack; you can play them any time on your turn or according to the card text.

Ohne Furcht und Adel was a little jewel, thrilling, naughty and interactive; in Citadels, the jewel was cut, polished and newly set, a real treasure that you should not miss - the changing card interactions and effects provide challenge, thrill and fun in playing!


Players: 2-8

Age: 10+

Time: 60+

Designer: Bruno Faidutti

Artist: Andrew Bosley, Simon Eckert et al.

Price: ca. 28 Euro

Publisher: Hans im Glück 2017


Genre: Cards, character selection

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: cz de en es fr it nl

In-game text: yes



Adaptation of Ohne Furcht und Adel

Basic rules are the same

New characters, buildings

New mechanism Action Cards


Compares to:

Ohne Furcht und Adel


Other editions:

999 Games (nl), Asmodee (fr, it), Edge Entertainment (es), Mindok (cz), Windrider Games (en),


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0