Carcassonne Star Wars Edition Erweiterung 1


The duel in the Star Wars Universe is expanded with a few new details. 18 New tiles feature planets or asteroid fields to close off trade routes or show four separate asteroid fields. All tiles are shuffled with those from the core game and placed as usual. You begin the game with one each of the new equipment tokens, Light Saber or Blaster and can give them to a newly placed meeple. If you take back a meeple you take also back his equipment. If you use a blaster in combat you use the yellow special die. Double-sided point tokens 50/100 facilitate scoring and six blue meeples allow six people to play.


Expansion for Star Wars Carcassonne for 2-6 players, ages 7+


Publisher: Hans im Glück 2016

Designer: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede

Art: nicht genannt / Christoph Tisch


Stock Nr. 48269


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no