Caracassonne Safari


Carcassonne Around the World in Africa! 72 landscape tiles show savannah, animal paths, baobab trees and bushes with animals. 50 animal/ waterhole tiles can be combined for water holes. Two neutral rangers sit next to the start tile, you begin with two animal tiles. You draw and place a tile into the display, with corresponding edges. Then you can either relocate a ranger, maybe for points, place a meeple or start a waterhole on a tile or extend it - for instant points and points for the complete water hole - and then maybe score completed paths, bushes or baobab trees. At the end, you score animals on paths and bushes and animal tiles.


Tile placement game for 2-5 players, ages 7+


Publisher: Hans im Glück 2018

Designer: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede

Art: Anne Heidsiek, Andreas Resch, Christoph Tisch


Stock #: 48283


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: cn cz de dk en fr fi hu nl no pl se sk * In-game text: no