Gold, Gold, Gold – the dwarves want gold! To collect gold they travel from city to city. For their travels they use the shoulders of Giant Rick, because he travels so much faster! But for each step that Rick takes across meadows, fields, mountains or rivers he wants payment in the shape of a corresponding landscape cards.

The dwarves start in a city of their choice, cities without dwarves are then given a gold coin each. In your turn you can either draw landscape cards or travel. If you draw cards you decide after each card if you want to stop or not. If you stop, you keep all cards that you drew in this round. If you draw a robber card, you lose all cards of this round, you must deal them one by one to all other players. If you draw the robber as your first card, you may steal two cards from other players. If you decide to travel, you pivot Rick on his foot to the next landscape and discard a card for each step he takes. The last step into a city is free and you pick up the gold coin and a new one is placed into the city. If your move does not reach a city Rick does not travel and you get your cards back. When all gold coins have been given out, you win with most gold. Experienced players can bring the cloud into play, it blocks a landscape. When the robber appears, you can relocate the cloud.

Giant Gnome is an enchanting game of planning and movement, estimating the length of Rick’s steps and planning of the best route trains distance estimation and route optimization, while providing lots of fun with the pretty components and well-working mechanism.


Players: 2-4

Age: 6+

Duration: 25

Designer: Marco Teubner

Artist: Michael Menzel

Price: ca. 21 Euro

Publisher: Haba 2011


Genre: Estimation and collecting game

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: de en es fr it nl

In-game text: no



Very nice background story * wonderful implementation of the story * trains route optimization and distance estimation


Compares to :

Basically all games with “stop or lose turn” mechanism, giant’s step mechanism is new


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance: 1

Tactic: 2

Strategy: 0

Creativity: 0

Knowledge: 2

Memory: 0

Communication: 0

Interaction: 0

Dexterity: 0

Action: 1