Zwerg Riese

Giant Gnome


Gold, Gold, Gold – the dwarves want gold and travel from town to town to get most of it. They travel on the shoulders of Rick the giant, because this way they are very fast. The towns without dwarves are given one gold coin at the start of the game, the cards are stacked. In you turn you can draw cards or travel with Rick. If you draw cards, you decide after each card if you want to stop or not. If you stop you keep the cards acquired in this turn, if you draw a robber you lose them, they are handed to all players in turn, each takes one card. If you draw the robber as a first card, you can steal two cards from other players. If you want to travel with Rick, you place his foot by turning him and discard an appropriate card for each step. The last step into a town is free, if you reach a town you take the coin and place a new one from the stack. If you cannot reach a town Rick stays in place and you get your cards back. When all gold has been collected, you win with most of it.


Version                           : multi

Rules                              : de en es fr it nl

In-game use of language   : no


A logistics and acquisiton game * 2-4 players, ages 6+ * Designer: Marco Teubner * Art: Michael Menzel * 4297, Haba, 2011 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *