

Alter                    5



Where is Leo?

From the raft to the Fir


Theo the Terrier is supposed to look after Lion Leo, but Leo has scampered! Theo starts the search and follows the trail from animal to animal, each animal tells >Theo where it has seen the lion. All players search simultaneously and follow the trail in their mind.

The 28 location tiles are shuffled face down, four of the tiles are stacked face down. The other tiles are laid out in a circle, straight border facing inwards. Then all tiles but one are turned up and Theo is placed next to the face-down tile. Now this tile is turned up and all start at the same time to search for Leo. In the speech bubble on the tile next to Theo you see the next stop, where you learn about the next one. If you cannot find the image in the speech bubble on a tile you have found Leos hideout. If you are the first to mark this stop in the bubble with your bone marker and are correct, you receive a feeding bowl. If you made a mistake you must hand in a feeding bowl, if you already have got one. For the next round you take a location out of the circle, place it underneath the stack and place the top face-down one from the stack in its stead. Theo is placed next to it and the new round begins. The first player to collect four feeding bowls wins the game.

To follow the trail on the beautifully illustrated tiles is a real challenge especially as you must find something that is not there. Topic and mechanisms fit together very well, the rules are quickly explained and the marking of the bubble with a bone is a nice detail. The game is a fantastic training for observation and concentration under pressure of time.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 5 and up

Dauer           : ab 10 min


Autor           : Michael Schacht

Grafik          : Martina Leykamm

Titel deutsch : Wo ist Leo?

Preis            : ca. 11,00 Euro

Verlag          : Haba 2010


Genre                    : A game of searching

Zielgruppe             : For children

Mechanismen         : follow a trail of pictures in your mind



Enchanting illustration

Topic and mechanism fit nicely together

Trains observation, concentration and reaction



Rinks & lechts and other games with „think your way along“






Wissen_               3


Kommunikation   2


