Wilde Wikinger Das Kartenspiel

Wild Vikings The Card Game


Again the Vikings are out to raid! This time you collect equipment cards with which you can bid for the ships returning home. Three ships are laid out, you have 5 cards in hand. You roll the die: For the card symbol all draw a card, for the Viking you take the figurine, for the card + viking you draw a card if you hold the figurine, for Nessie you take the top ship card out of play and for the village the ship in front of the village returns and you can bid for it. Whoever – in one round of bidding – bids most cards in the ship’s color, wins the ship card. When all ships have been auctioned, the player with most points on his ships wins the game.


Version                           : multi

Rules                              : de en es fr it nl

In-game use of language   : no


Auction game with cards * 2-5 players, ages 6+ * Designer: Wolfgang Dirscherl * Art: Michael Menzel * 4290, Haba, 2011 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH * www.haba.de