Wer bin ich?


The small tin holds a head band, 40 definition cards, 10 counting stones and a question mark. The active player puts on the head band and gets a card fixed to it. Then tries to find out the definition on the card by asking questions, that can be answered with yes or no. Each question asked uses up one counting stone, when all are gone the turn ends. If the player guesses correctly he receives the card. When all players have guessed three times, the player with the most cards wins.


Guessing game * Series: Bekannte Spiele in neuen Dosen * 2 or more players from age 5 * Classic game * Graphics: Ulrike Fischer * N° 51 / 2544, Haba, Germany, 2005 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH * www.haba.de