

Alter                    5



Volldampf voraus!

Train ready For departure!


The three train engines on the station board of each player need wagons. The game holds tiles with the three different kinds of wagons, plus three conductors, two crane wagons and two junction operators. All wagons are shuffled and placed face down, four cards are turned up. You start the game by taking one wagon card and placing it next to the corresponding engine on your station board. A crane car is a joker and can replace any wagon; a junction operator allows you to steal a card from a fellow player. Then the operator is discarded for this round. A wagon card showing the conductor cannot be taken; it stays on the table face up. The next and all other players after him first turn up a card and then choose one of the four cards. When the first player has a complete train on his card, he stacks the wagon cards next to his board and takes the wooden engine. Any other player completing a train stacks it in the same way; the second and third trains are stacked on top of the first stack. After each completed train the stacks are compared and the wooden engine goes to the player with the highest stack. When the third conductor is turned up, the round ends. The player who currently holds the wooden engine receives a glass nugget. All cards are reshuffled for the next round. You win the game, if you collect your second nugget.

Volldampf voraus is a very simple easy game with very simple rules and a random only mechanism. This simple mechanism allows children to play alone after having the game explained, or younger children can play when assisted.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 5 and up

Dauer           : ca. 15 min


Autor           : Thilo Hutzler

Grafik          : Peter Braun

Vertrieb A.   : Games stores

Preis            : ca. 9,00 Euro

Verlag          : Haba 2009


Genre                    : Set collection with railway topic

Zielgruppe             : For children

Mechanismen         : Place tiles for complete trains



Rather abstract set collection despite railway topic

Very pretty components

Random mechanism only

Simple rules



Each random set collection games


Zufall                            3








