

Tiles show varying numbers of creepy-crawlies and are laid out face-down. As active player, you roll two dice - one with values 1 to 6, the other 0 to 3 - and add the results. Then you turn over tiles one by one and add the number of creepy-crawlies on them. If you turn up a Zero, you can continue. When the sum of creepy-crawlies equals the sum of the dice results, you take all tiles involved, also a Zero, and stop turning over tiles. If you reveal too many creepy-crawlies, you must turn down all revealed tiles again. When only four tiles are left, you win with most tiles.


Calculation memo for 2-4 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Haba 2018

Designer: Kristin Mückel

Art: Benedikt Beck

Web: www.haba.de

Stock#: 303628


Users: For children


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no